Brian David Johnson
The future is Brian David Johnson's business. As a futurist at Intel Corporation, his charter is to develop an actionable vision for computing in 2020.
The future is Brian David Johnson's business.
As a futurist at Intel Corporation, his charter is to develop an actionable vision for computing in 2020. His work is called "future casting"—using ethnographic field studies, technology research, trend data, and even science fiction to provide Intel with a pragmatic vision of consumers and computing. Along with reinventing TV, Johnson has been pioneering development in artificial intelligence, robotics, and using science fiction as a design tool. He speaks and writes extensively about future technologies in articles and scientific papers as well as science fiction short stories and novels (Science Fiction Prototyping: Designing the Future with Science Fiction, Screen Future: The Future of Entertainment Computing and the Devices we Love, Fake Plastic Love, and Nebulous Mechanisms: The Dr. Simon Egerton Stories). He has directed two feature films and is an illustrator and commissioned painter. In his own words: “My job as Chief Futurist at Intel is to look 10 to 15 years into the future and understand how people will act and interact with technology. Essentially what it will feel like to be a human and live in the future. And I do that because at Intel it takes about 5 to 10 years to design, develop and manufacture the chip. So it’s of vital business importance today for Intel to know what people want to do 10 years from now.” He was worked for more than 5 years on The Tomorrow Project, collecting more than a 1000 science fiction stories based on science fact from all over the world. The participants were asked to imagine the future they would like to live in, and the one they want to avoid. The Tomorrow Project is a fascinating initiative that investigates these questions and explores not only the future of computing but the broader implications on our lives and planet. With all this data, Brian is able to forecast better the future and, unlike other futurists, avoid making too many predictions until one is right. He prefers to work closely with his team to develop technologies and services that meaningfully touches the lives of people. Topics: – Designing the Future – The Future of Technology – The Future of the American Dream – The Tomorrow Project – Wearables & IoT – Digital Advertising |