Multimedia files for Saroo Brierley
To download presentation files for Saroo Brierley, click on each of the links below.
Lion - Official Movie Trailer (17MB 2min 21sec)
PowerPoint Presentation (PPTX 97MB)
The PowerPoint includes some embedded videos. Please discuss AV requirements during your pre-event briefing.
To play these video files, you will need software capable of playing MP4 and MOV files. If you don't have a suitable player,
you can download VLC Media Player here.
Lion - Official Movie Trailer (17MB 2min 21sec)
PowerPoint Presentation (PPTX 97MB)
The PowerPoint includes some embedded videos. Please discuss AV requirements during your pre-event briefing.
To play these video files, you will need software capable of playing MP4 and MOV files. If you don't have a suitable player,
you can download VLC Media Player here.